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Apologies for a delayed update. I have just returned from a trip to beautiful Jindabyne, where I was visiting a client who will be the lucky owner of the FIRST ecokit in the world!

He and his family purchased a lovely rural land that will be turned into an eco farm stay, so anyone can experience the off grid cabins, surrounded by majestic mountains and farm animals – all pure & organic. Believe me, that place is so peaceful & calming!

Because of the winter coming up quickly, we have to wait until the weather gets reasonable again to start with the construction. We are expecting to break the ground in September / October this year.

I will be posting more info on planning this project on our Facebook page as we are finalizing the design & features.

Crowd funding campaign
Our crowd funding campaign has been live for the last 30 days and because we have reached only 3% of the goal so far, we have extended it for another 30 days. Unfortunately I have underestimated the need for proper marketing and overestimated the generosity of our subscribers.

On the other side, we have had a few contributions which we are really grateful for! Thumbs up to all supporters who donated. All those of you who made a donation will be eligible for a discount when purchasing an ecokit in the future! All those who didn’t, it’s not too late to show us some love and donate even a small amount. Thank you!

The reason why we have chosen to try crowd funding was to be able to get funds donated by our potential clients who are interested in buying ecokit in the future and spreading a very small cost over thousands of supporters, rather than taking a loan or external investment, as those funds would have to be paid back which would affect the final price of the kit. We are committed to offer the kit for affordable price but we need your help!

Runway Geelong
One of the reasons I was not able to give enough time and attention to our crowdfunding campaign was the pitching contest to get into the Runway Geelong Accelerator program.
I have attended a 4 day workshop and 2 pitching events and I am proud to announce that ecokit has been selected out of 40+ businesses to be a part of this 3 months program.

I believe it will help us move quicker with some tasks on our never ending to-do lists – sorting out legal contract & insurance for example. We are also eligible for a small grant that will cover some of those costs.

Thank you again for following our journey to create a solution for affordable, good quality & healthy housing. We are passionate about ecokit and although things are taking longer than we like, they are moving and progressing! And that’s all that matters.


Founder and leader of ecokit® for nearly a decade, I’m dedicated to transforming housing with sustainable, energy-efficient solutions. As a Certified Passive House Consultant with a Certificate IV in Building and Construction, I specialize in creating innovative, modular systems that empower healthier, eco-friendly living.


  • Frances Torres Babauta says:

    Interested I being the 1st Home Owner to launch your product here on Ģuam. It would be a great fit to go on a Quarter Acre Property we just acquired today. Please send me more information as soon as possible. Thank you so very kindly.

  • Kimberly Flaherty says:

    Hello, I live in the most expensive city in the U.S.A., if not one in the world, San Francisco, CA.
    I am a female veteran of the U.S. Army. During our recession I lost my home, job, & all money just across on the other side of the bay. I was fortunate to get some help in San Francisco in terms of resources. If I had to continue living without any help, more than likely I would have chosen not be be here. I am very thankful & grateful for the apartment that I live in, but it is not the same as when I owned my own home. As I continue to climb back up the ladder, to include my own apartment, a job within the SF Public Library, & a few furnishings, I want to become self sufficient. I want to own a business & a home. I know I can’t do it on my own & it’s lonely just the same, doing everything constantly on your own. I would like to find a way for veterans to work together as a team to form a housing community that would be an example of how to progress in terms of property & business ownership, education, & entrepreneurship.

    • Camilla says:

      Thank you Kimberley for your comment. I wish you all the best getting back on your feet and if we can be of assistance, please get in touch.


  • P says:

    sign me up for your blog and any sales info

  • Dianne Dunn says:

    Congratulations in developing module ecokit homes that would be perfect for a sustainable off grid community, which we are trying to develop. Would be very interested in learning more, especially costing of each flat pack kits and modules. Thanks ever so much for producing an exciting break through eco friendly kit home.

    • Camilla says:

      Hi Diane,

      thank you so much for your kind words. Get in touch with us regarding the pricing. More units mean bigger savings!


  • Emily dallwitz says:

    The houses look great. I’m on a tight budget so am wondering how affordable these houses are. And do you deliver to south Australia? Regards emily

  • Karen Stuart says:

    Very keen to know if this would be available / suitable for beach front land on the West Coast South Island, New Zealand.

  • Lis says:

    Am interested in knowing prices and capability of solar power for power generation. How much sunlight needed daily, weekly average etc. Do you have other roof shapes as currently a house on my section lies in an South North location so roof shape may be better off laying flat facing West to get all day sun in New Zealand.
    Thank you

  • Lis says:

    Am interested in knowing prices and capability of solar power for power generation. How much sunlight needed daily, weekly average etc. Do you have other roof shapes as currently a house on my section lies in an South North location so roof shape may be better off laying flat facing West to get all day sun in New Zealand.
    Thank you 🙂

    • Camilla says:

      Hi Lis,

      we are no solar experts, so this should be discussed with a solar system designer, specifically for your site. We do have currently only one shape of the roof.


  • Phillip says:

    How much are the homes.

  • Deb says:

    Are these available in US and what are prices

  • David Welsh says:

    I’m in Melbourne Australia,
    Where are you based. And how do I buy one of these kits?

  • Brian Fitzpatrick. says:

    Am interested in modular , kit and eco friendly systems, just need to get a grip on total completed costs. Am in the foothills of Snowy Mts, and require extra space for family.

  • Rebecca says:

    I love the idea of being as ‘off grid’ as possible. Just wondering how the ecokit homes hold up in a coastal environment? Can this house be built as a 4×2 and if so, at what price range?

    Kind Regards
    Rebecca – Western Australia

    • Camilla says:

      Hi Rebecca,

      yes, ecokit can be build in coastal environment. The minimal size of the house is 6m wide (fixed) and 8.2m long and more (in 1.2m multiples).

      The price varies depending on version, size and finishes. You can estimate the price via our pricing tool or get in touch with us with more details and we can work with you.

      Warm regards, Camilla

  • Belinda says:

    I’d like a quote on studio in back yard please. They look great.

  • Peter says:

    Would live to hear more around these homes. Very interested in a sustainable option and the saving that comes with putting it up myself.

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